Friday, February 20, 2009

GOP goes after hip-hoppers and midgets?

New Republican National Chairman Michael Steele is launching a grand re-branding program for the Grand Old Party but it's not clear how some of his reaching out will sit with the GOP conservative base. For instance, he told the Washington Times newspaper this week that: "We want to convey that the modern-day G.O.P. looks like the conservative party that stands on principles, but we want to apply them to urban-suburban hip-hop settings."

The GOP wants its message to appeal to young people, moms of all shapes - "soccer moms, hockey moms" - and even "one-armed midgets." The "one-armed midgets" was said jokingly, although some pundits say even that could get him in trouble. "Little people" is the preferred, more up-to-date term, they say.

Steele says this GOP makeover "will be avant garde, technically. It will come to table with things that will surprise everyone - off the hook."

Off the hook? Clearly Steele is trying to give the GOP a hipper, modern, more-in-touch image. But this sounds a lot like pandering to us - and pretty lame pandering at that.

What do you think? Does the GOP need re-branding?


  1. GOP needs an overhaul, not an ad campaign.

    Yo that's wiggidy wiggidy wack.

  2. Very whack!
    Maybe he heard Nas & Jay-Z on "Black Republicans" and a light bulb went off but this plan needs work.

  3. Michael Steele is playing catchup and its already too late. The GOP is so far behind the curve, they would have to totally remake the party, to catchup.

  4. Yeah, the 'midget' comment will lose them the little people vote. As if the GOP cared about the little people anyway.

  5. I can just picture the Notorious G.O.P.

  6. Does the Observer receive money from the DNC? Could they be more biased? I'm sure they will edit this post out as they have others.

  7. The Observer has been one of the many media outlets who slobber over Obama and has completely lost my subscription, simply because they are so dang biased. Probably will delete my post too, so they can keep all their readers and possible subscribers from being subjected to the truth!

  8. I'm eagerly awaiting the next Wassup blog on the gay/black issues of the day - which is what this paper has become.

    Obsever - you may want to reconsider being in "business". Maybe McClatchy gets a subsidy to put out this drivel.

  9. So goodbye to the "white" power structure in America. Say hello to multiculturalism and inclusion. Since hip hop is the movement of the young, it is the future for us ALL.

  10. Who cares if they lose the little people's vote. Their vote only counts half of a regular persons anyway

  11. If the GOP wants to become relevant again, they need to show some bipartisanship and quit obstructing Democrats while they work to clean up the GOP mess.
