Wednesday, March 14, 2012

There once was a candidate named Newt...

We're sure at least one group of election watchers held out hope for a Newt Gingrich resurgence Tuesday in the Alabama and Mississippi Republican primaries. That group, of course, would be the contestants in the Charlotte Observer Limericks contest.

After all, who would want such a prolific supplier of fine subject matter to walk away?

The former House speaker obliged our thirst for material again last week by extolling the virtues of natural gas to Mississippi voters last week. John Long of Stanley couldn’t resist:

But Newt Gingrich…and natural gas?
Though it may cause a stink,
Thanks Observer (wink wink),
This gift is just too good to pass.
Lou Breaux of Charlotte also knows some prime material when he sees it:
Filmed a gas rig for Obama to see.
Some folks say it’s all show
But it seems apropos
That Newt favors his gas naturally.
Good thing others can step up and fill the Gingrich void. Evangelist Pat Robertson, say hello to Charlotte’s Loyd Dillon:
So for hipness, he did something galling:
His “Legalize pot!”
Is now smokin’ hot
And part of his new “higher calling.”
It’s not just the national figures who supply the good stuff to our entrants. N.C. Rep. George Cleveland of Onslow County, who declared there is no “extreme poverty in North Carolina,” caught the eye of Ken Burrows of Charlotte:
Under bridges, in woods – by the score.
No tongue can recite
Their relief and delight
To learn, after all, they’re not poor.
Charlotte’s Bill McGloughlin saw communications possibilities in Brad Keselowski tweeting from his car during a Daytona 500 delay:
And they are quite a talented bunch.
It’s OK, don’t you know,
We’re professionals, so,
Multitasking’s no problem for ...CRUNCH!
Charleen Bolt of Charlotte is dealing with her own distractions:
Here comes the coughing and wheezing.
Inhale the Flonase,
Walk around in a daze.
Achoo! I wish it was still freezing.
Wes Long of Cramerton sees some improvements Donald Trump could make to The Point Golf Club in Mooresville, should they accept his purchase bid:
Of ideas to solve disrepair.
To save money restoring
He’d redo the Club’s flooring
With cheap rugs, or as Trump calls ‘em, hair.
Great entries, all of them. But our winner this week, John Long, returns us appropriately to Newt Gingrich, one more time:
To hubris, this guy is no stranger.
I read yesterday,
In his thick resume,
For “Place of Birth” it says “a manger.”
The best of the rest:

Lou Breaux, Charlotte
Romney’s family pet dog was exposed
In that car rooftop crate, locked and closed.

If Mitt does gets elected

Then I guess it’s expected,

Just like Seamus, we’re about to get hosed…
Ken Burrows, Charlotte

You're not poor in NC, the pols. say,
If you're getting $2 a day.

After all, grits and beans

And fatback and greens

Are more wholesome than steak or souffle.
Tommy Forney, on those ubiquitous ED commercials
If for loving you don't need cold showers
Take a pill, not just silly old flowers

There's no reason to grieve,

Those ads have you believe

And you'll be fine for three point five hours.

Madeleine Begun Kane
Mitt Romney would love all this over:
Nomination sewn up, in like clover,
All primed for a fight
To be Prez with the right
To ride Limo One topped with Rover.
Constance Kolpitcke

Fast food chains to their credit did declare
No more pink slime in their fare.

But the USDAA approves serving the stuff
In school lunch programs, sure 'nuff.

Let parents and students beware!
Wes Long, Cramerton:
The CMS wireless conception
Has gotten an ice-cold reception

From some folks on the right

Who think iPads just might

Be some kind of new contraception.

John Long, Stanley

My Lake Norman home value's week,
So now reassessment I seek.
My house, like an otter,
Has gone underwater
My current address? Up a creek.

Ballantyne thinks that Charlotte's a bore.
Independence, they'd like to explore.
If you're thinking secession,
Show a little discretion.
Ask a native. We've tried this before.
Joel Zauss, of Charlotte:
To keep ladies’ rights tightly confined.
War on women is waged
And the girls are enraged
Now “goodbye” he can kiss his behind.

Taylor Batten is back in charge next week. Send entries to him at Deadline: Noon Monday for Wednesday publication.


  1. The job of the Prez is real cush

    For the most part just set on your tush

    Take the money from workers

    To give to the shirkers

    When it fails you can blame it on Bush

  2. I think that I never shall see
    A billboard as nice as a tree.
    But conservatives do
    And that means that you
    Should cast your votes quite careful-ly.
    Betty Taylor, Charlotte

    Obama's opponents are slick,
    And they're raising oil prices real quick.
    They know recovery will slow
    And credit can't go
    To the President they've all vowed to lick.
    Betty Taylor, Charlotte

    By the end of a president's four,
    Smart voters have figured the score.
    So the chance is remote
    That you'll e'er change their vote
    By spending a trillion or more.
    Betty Taylor, Charlotte

    Women's rights are the theme of the day
    With Republicans having their way.
    Just in case they should win
    And being female's a sin,
    My burqa is now on the way.
    Betty Taylor, Charlotte

  3. There once was a paper called the Observer.

    Who covered thing liberal with fervor.

    Even though it did not pay.

    They were quick to say.

    To all liberal views we are faithfully, a server.

  4. Who knew such poetic talent resided in the comments?

    Thanks, all. But keep it clean.


  5. In this day and age who'd a thunkit
    We'd be bent on a communist junkit
    If the bill of rights say
    It can't happen that way
    That's OK 'cause ol' Barry will chunkit

  6. The first thing on the President's docket
    Is to crack down on Wall Street and lock it
    He says they don't get it
    But he won't admit it
    He's their man, and they're lining his pocket

  7. Thanks so much for including my Mitt Romney limerick in your post!

  8. there was a politician named Newt who thought he could give Romney the boot, he said with decorum, I'll fight with Santorum, but with Paul I don't give a hoot.

  9. The "people's servant" named Grant
    Thought Cornelians would only rant.
    "So, I'll make them pay
    In the worst kind of way
    For my crescent whose residents just can't," (thought Grant.)
    The Cornelians, they toiled while they fumed,
    Fairness in assessments was what they'd presumed.
    But, alas, how naive to hope for a reprieve.
    Their significance was that of ant
    to Grant

  10. To all who believe in Obama
    We say Yo Mama

    To all who say hes born is Honolulu
    We say DoDo

    To all who want him for 4 more
    We say UP YOURS

  11. There once was a boy named Peter, and he really sucked!

  12. Many Cornelians, though certainly not all,
    Decided to call on those we elected down at county hall.
    "With assessments so absurd,
    We will surely be heard.
    Our facts will enlighten, naybe even enthrall."
    But, Martin dozed, even snored, Vilma was clearly quite bored, and
    Harry's texting and leaving? Behavior untoward.
    So much for a forum, so long to decorum. Welcome to the "new" Charlotte, y'all.

  13. We have a school system call CMS.

    With many problems Elected Official will not address.

    More money is needed they say.

    Yes Bright Flight is sending people away.

    Which leaves us with this ..... Sorry I could not think of anything to describe CMS that would rhyme and they said to keep it clean.

  14. There once was a Newt man named Gingrich

    Who lobbied, wrote books, and cruised with the rich.

    It then came to pass

    He has $2.50 gas

    He's too bloated to talk so he'll sing it


    Why wont Barry "trust me" Obama release proof of bin Ladens death?

  16. NEWSFLASH: Obama 2013 budge will ad 6.4 TRILLION to the national debt or 225 yrs combined of previous national debt.
    (but he says he can do nothing about gas prices)
