Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Meet Mitt's garbage man and garbage woman

With the presidential debates only hours away, both President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are no doubt in fast and furious last minute preparations. But surrogates and supporters are fighting it out on a stage that might have more clout - online and TV ads.

The labor union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, has unveiled three Web spots tacitly supporting Obama that are creating a stir. They take advantage of Romney's controversial videotaped comment about the "47 percent " - Americans he said he didn't need to care about because they were dependent on the government and preferred to stay that way.

Two of the ads focus on sanitation workers - one a black man, the other a white woman - who say they picked up garbage on Romney's street. The other is a Latino man who repairs fire trucks. All take issue with Romney's positions.

The spots begin, "Meet Richard Hayes," "Meet Temo Fuentes," "Meet Joan Raymond." The ending tagline on each is "Meet the people who make America happen. Mitt Romney doesn't care about them."
- Posted by Fannie Flono


  1. Fannie trying out the new "redistribution card"...don't leave home without it.

    It will be replacing the race card, since that age demographic is dying out.

  2. Could have sworn this video, and the "free Obama phone" video was from the Onion or the Comedy Channel. I've never spoken to my garbage collector, as he generally is in a rush to finish his route.
    This type of silliness is why most Americans don't trust unions anymore.

  3. So two government sanitation workers and a government fire department maintenance worker are featured in an ad acting as critics of Mitt's claim that a growing population lives off the government. Thanks for pointing that out to us, Fannie, who pay the government bills.

  4. Speaking of garbage...thanks for the story.

  5. Too bad we can't meet the 2,000 Americans killed in Afghanistan. Or Ambassador Stevens. Or the (at least) two American citizens Obama has ordered assassinated without charge or trial.

    At least Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are alive. For now.

  6. I guess the people who made this video didn't quite do their homework. Romney actually did work as a garbage man.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ROMNEY DID work as a garbage collector -Irony at it's best! If the Observer deletes my link simply BING or GOOGLE something like 'Romney as a garbage worker' and you will see plenty of stories on it. Here is one of the many:

  9. Don't worry about it Fannie, our
    2ndQ GDP has been just downgraded to 1.3%, we surpassed last years spending amount already, the Senate still have not passed a budget, and we have the biggest cover up since Watergate going on by this adminstration lying through the collective teeth about the death of an Ambassador while at the same time stonewalling the FBI investigation.

    Fannie doing her part trolling for the stupid vote.

  10. Sent via email

    Ms. Flono,

    Thank you for bring this fact about Romney to the forefront otherwise his kindness and compassion for the working middle-wo/man may have never been discovered by some.

    A simple search on the internet reveals the irony of this video... Romney wrote in his book 'No Apology' page 251 about working as a garbage man:

    "During my campaign for governor, I decided to spend a day every few weeks doing the jobs of other people in Massachusetts. Among other jobs, I cooked sausages at Fenway Park, worked on an asphalt paving crew, stacked bales of hay on a farm, volunteered in an emergency room, served food at a nursing home, and worked as a child-care assistant. I’m often asked which was the hardest job – it’s child care, by a mile.

    One day I gathered trash as a garbage collector. I stood on that little platform at the back of the truck, holding on as the driver navigated his way through the narrow streets of Boston..."

    I won't spoil it for you, I'll let you research it and read the rest for yourself. A follow-up in your Opinion column with the 'rest of the story' would make this story more interesting.

  11. Fannie,

    It's this type of pandering to Barack that causes more independent voters like myself to lose all respect for your journalistic integrity. One of the reasons why I cancelled my subscription to this liberal rag many years ago.

    Would love to see the same 'focus' on Fast & Furious, the IL prison debacle, Libyan 'terrorist' attack, Solyndra/Green energy failures, Obama's latest gaffe re: wealth redistribution/racist guilt, etc. etc.

    But you and I know that won't be forthcoming.....stay Liberal you Socialist!

  12. The spots begin, "Meet Richard Hayes," "Meet Temo Fuentes," "Meet Joan Raymond." The ending tagline on each is "Meet the people who make America happen. Mitt Romney doesn't care about them."

    It simply amazes me that people will allow themselves to be tools and treated with such distain.

    Let's remember what Romney said about "the 47%." He said they will vote for the President no matter what, because they receive government handouts, that they feel they are entitled to guaranteed jobs, a certain minimum wage, health care, etc. and it's not my job to worry about them." He overstated the percentage, but that was his only mistake. He was referring to people who have bought into the Democrat Party class- and wealth-envy they have been pushing since the Depression - "Every human being who makes 1 more dollar than you and/or owns 1 more material possession than you only have them because they either lied, cheated, stole, inherited, or exploited other people to attain that wealth you don't have. It's impossible for anyone richer than you to get that way through their own work and effort. It's all illegal or immoral activity that got them that wealth. Also, there is a finite amount of wealth that can be created. Whatever the total net worth of all people on Earth is, that is the limit. No more wealth than that can exsit. Every dollar that one person earns must therefore be a dollar that was stolen from someone else. But we, the Democrats, are here to right these wrongs. Since everyone who has one dollar or thing more than you only has them because they stole them, we will raise their taxes to get that stolen wealth back, and we'll give some of it to you."

    These are the people that Romney "doesn't care about." And he's right. Because they are all-in with this stupid wealth-envy doctrine, he will never convince them that if we create more wealth, there will be more wealth for everyone that works for it, and that by taxing less and rolling back the stiffling, nanny-state regulations that companies will create more jobs, and people can go work those jobs and make more wealth for themselves. No, they want to keep believing "I am the wealthiest honest person in the world, and it's not possible for me to get any wealthier without the government."

    What these 3 tools in this video have done is say to the world, "look at me! Mitt Romney doesn't care about me! That means I'm one of those 47% that expect the government to give me everything, for free! I'm ENTITLED to get everything I want without cost! I am the 47%!"

    Not a message I want to send about myself to the world.

  13. This is about the most worthless article and lamest attack ad I've seen. Shame on you Fannie for the article...

  14. So what if he worked as a sanitation worker .... for a day. Does he really think that gives him any insight as to the day to day travails of these people? You will note that this was reported in HIS BOOK and that even he admitted that he did this during his campaign for governor. He has just proven that he will do ANYTHING to get elected - not exactly news if you've been paying attention to this presidential campaign.

  15. Maybe he was busy saving another business. I usually don't hang out with garbage collectors and I am not CEO or governor

  16. how is this news or opinion? is the o-pinion page resorted to just posting politcal advertising that they agree with?
