Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fire Bob Costas? For what?

So Bob Costas appears at halftime on NBC's "Sunday Night Football" telecast to talk about the biggest news in football last weekend - the murder-suicide involving Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher. Costas begins by rightfully ridiculing the "mindless sports cliche" that "something like this really puts it all in perspective." He then quotes extensively from a piece by FOX Sports columnist (and Charlotte Observer alum) Jason Whitlock. That piece includes this line, which Costas reads: "If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would still be alive today."

Cue the outrage. Not at the substance of what Costas said. At the fact that he dared soil a sports event with his gun commentary.

"You tune in for a football game and end up listening to Bob Costas spewing sanctimonious dreck," tweeted former presidential candidate Herman Cain. On Fox's Morning Show "Fox & Friends," the hosts read letters from viewers critical of Costas. On the network's afternoon show, anchor Megyn Kelly led a debate about whether Costas should be fired for his out-of-place monologue.

Except that this is what Costas has been doing for years now, including on Sunday nights at halftime. He's talked about Jerry Sandusky and child molestation. He's criticized the International Olympic Committee for failing to honor the 11 athletes killed at the Summer Games in 1972. He regularly examines topics at the intersection of sports and society, sports and culture, sports and law. Often, it's worth a listen.

The uproar this time, of course, is about Costas and gun control, not Costas having an opinion. But just in case, a tip for future viewing: Costas might talk again Sunday about an issue that's not strictly sports-related. If you don't like it, take that time to tuck your kids in, refill your beverage, whatever. The game will be back on soon enough.

Peter St. Onge



  1. He should be fired. Leave his opinion about gun control in other formats, there is no place for it in sports. He can join Keith Olberman if he likes in the political talk arena. Ask Keith how well that worked out for him. Here is a retort that is SPOT on to both Whitlock and Costas.


    1. When are these idiots going to realize "People kill People." Take the guns away and what's left? Police and Criminals have the guns, oh and members of Congress and the President...they will give themselves a special exemption.
      With the other tragedy in the NFL, ban alcohol and Cars. Hey Bob the last 2 kill more people than guns!
      And yes you should be fired for taking advantage of your position.

  2. Imagine the outrage by the CO if Mr. Costas said, "The knee jerk reaction to this tragedy is to ask for more gun control. But the facts are, that a 250lb athlete would have found a way to kill this young lady and himself if he did not have a gun". Would you be calling for his resignation then?

  3. I had no doubt of St. Onge's position on this story before I even read the article. The lack of a sense of propriety is common among newspaper writers these days.

    The fact is, Costas callously USED a tragedy to spout forth his personal opinions on a subject that wasn't appropriate in the forum he chose. If he wants a political show, he can ask the network to give him one (and no one will watch).

  4. ....lets see how you feel when your mother - daughter - son or wife is gunned down....lets see the blood........I would rather have free speech than the right to bear arms....free speech will save just as many lives and creates liberty....guns are sex toys for the stupid

  5. To carolinaTruth...

    What if your mother or sister were beaten repeatedly or verbally abused constantly. Nevermind being shot, stabbed or strangled.

    The ultimate end is not the issue here.

    What IS the issue is domestic violence against women.

    Since Costas tirade, more has come out about this player's past, where he has abused other women and had fits of rage.

  6. @carolinaTRUTH, here is a simple lesson for someone like you, and people of your ilk. The ONLY reason you have freedom of speech is due to those that have used guns to protect that speech you refer to. Ask Hitler and other's in history how well freedom of speech worked out for the oppressed once the populous was unarmed through, you guessed it gun control. You cannot have one without the other. Free speech has never saved a life nor has it ever created liberty. Power and weapons throughout history have accomplished that rather you want to acknowledge that or not.

  7. @carolinaTruth, one more food for thought. REFUTE ANYTHING that this woman states about the Second Amendment. I will grab a snickers bar in anticipation or your response.


  8. A man paid to talk on TV said something on TV. Unlock, unload, and remain calm.

  9. We live in the land of offended. Pretty soon when we speak, it will be so non committal and bland we will not be able to talk about anything

  10. He should be fired because he didn't parrot current right wing thought. Doing that in today's strange world means you are biased and a part of the mainstream media that wants to give a free Iphone to everyone on food stamps and sell this country to the socialists and enslave our children.

  11. Imagine the outrage if the liberals like the yellow journalists at this paper and you courageous liberals if Costas came and criticized the failed black culture for this murder. Then again that would mean recognizing the "only" 44% of the prison population is black. Also I am willing to bet he grew up in a fatherless home. So, naturally liberal sycophants blame the gun and not the shooter and then they should also blame the planes for 9/11 while they are at it.

    CarlolinaTRUTH, the people that protect themselves are not the ones being gunned down genius, it's the dopes like you that think the cops will save you after the fact.

  12. I don't think Costas should be fired. He should be criticized, but not fired. He should be criticized for adding legitimacy to Whitlock's nonsensical editorial. If he didn't have a gun, they'd both be alive? Have you seen the pictures and his vital statistics? If he was enraged enough to pump 9 bullets into her, then he was enraged enough to strangle her or literally beat her to death - and the disparity in the size of the two of them also indicates that ability. Why Costas would treat anything Whitlock writes as credible is beyond me. Whitlock, like way too many writers, longs for the opportunity to sensationalize things to get more page views. He's also every bit as racist as David Duke, but no one has the stones to call him on it.

    Another reason Costas shouldn't and won't be fired is, look at the forum he used to speak - an NBC broadcast. Most traditional media sources are solidly liberal, but NBC is the radical far-left part of liberalism. Starting with Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Brian Williams to pretty much every other employee with access to a microphone, you will always get the most far-flung, uber-liberal viewpoint from NBC. So the fact that NBC employee Bob Costas goes on an anti-second amendment rant is about as surprising as someone saying the sun is going to rise in the East tomorrow morning.

    Everyone calling for his head - here's an idea: don't watch him. You can easily avoid Costas. The late Sunday football games stretch to 8:00 now, and halftime is only 12 minutes. It's easy to avoid Costas if you disagree with him.

  13. He's paid for football commentary. Not to run off on some politically motivated diatribe on gun control. Especially when he blatantly takes advantage of a tragedy to make a very weak point. Costas should be fired. Not for the comments, for taking advantage of such a tragedy to spew political nonsense.

  14. Imagine if he had mentioned, as did the author he quoted, that the black culture has a problem with guns because black people just can't help themselves when they get disrespected.

  15. Did Peter defend Hank Williams Jr? Costas is a clown.

  16. Costas used to share the booth with OJ Simpson. So you'd think he knows that killers don't need guns.

  17. The most violent country in the modern world and they worry about what a sports commentator is saying.

    Sadly typical

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  19. Hey! It's football and mindless blather at its best is all these talking heads are good for anyway. Leave him alone says this Right Wing Conservative. These talking heads have to talk about something and it behooves us all to realize that everything they say will not please all of us.

  20. Hey! It's football and mindless blather at its best is all these talking heads are good for anyway. Leave him alone says this Right Wing Conservative. These talking heads have to talk about something and it behooves us all to realize that everything they say will not please all of us.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I grew up in a family of guns, served in the army (in combat) and carried one, and owned a pistol for years (before turning it in to the police to be destroyed - hadn't shot it in 30 years and it had rusted). Point is, I can take 'em or leave 'em. No big deal. But I can't help but notice the subject brings out the lunatics on boards like this, making me think that if these are the people who own guns, maybe they should indeed be more tightly controlled. Points from a gun agnostic:
    *Guns make killing easy and quick. Sure, you can beat someone to death with your fists - or a wet noodle. But it sure takes longer. Maybe you'll cool off while there's time.
    *We need guns to protect ourselves from the government (the Nazi clause, above). Hmmm. To start with, WE are the government - it's not something that just got off a spaceship. Don't like it, change it. Secondly, even if you go with the Nazi argument, you're going to fight off nuclear weapons, stealth jets and aircraft carriers with your trusty .44? Don't think so.
    *We need guns to protect ourselves from others? The chances are 100 times greater that a family member - an angry wife, husband or kid - will use that gun to kill you, than that you'll use it to fend off a stranger. Cause of death - either accident or fit of rage.
    *Need concealed carry to protect against the mass shooter, like in Colorado? Don't think so. If you check, you'll find most of the mass shootings in the last 20 years have come in states with the loosest gun laws, including concealed carry.

    Guns nuts, knock off the silly rhetoric. You're discrediting your cause more than all the opponents on earth.

  23. How many civilian lives have been saved by civilians use of handguns in America? I suppose the left leaning media fails to report all of these occurrences? And that's a simple question, how many?

  24. I grew up in a family of guns, served in the army (in combat) and carried one, and owned a pistol for years (before turning it in to the police to be destroyed - hadn't shot it in 30 years and it had rusted). Point is, I can take 'em or leave 'em. No big deal. But I can't help but notice the subject brings out the lunatics on boards like this, making me think that if these are the people who own guns, maybe they should indeed be more tightly controlled. Points from a gun agnostic:
    *Guns make killing easy and quick. Sure, you can beat someone to death with your fists - or a wet noodle. But it sure takes longer. Maybe you'll cool off while there's time.
    *We need guns to protect ourselves from the government (the Nazi clause, above). Hmmm. To start with, WE are the government - it's not something that just got off a spaceship. Don't like it, change it. Secondly, even if you go with the Nazi argument, you're going to fight off nuclear weapons, stealth jets and aircraft carriers with your trusty .44? Don't think so.
    *We need guns to protect ourselves from others? The chances are 100 times greater that a family member - an angry wife, husband or kid - will use that gun to kill you, than that you'll use it to fend off a stranger. Cause of death - either accident or fit of rage.
    *Need concealed carry to protect against the mass shooter, like in Colorado? Don't think so. If you check, you'll find most of the mass shootings in the last 20 years have come in states with the loosest gun laws, including concealed carry.

    Guns nuts, knock off the silly rhetoric. You're discrediting your cause more than all the opponents on earth.

  25. Is the freedom of speech not as important as the right to bear arms?

  26. Isn't it hilarious how the white men just lose their minds when you threaten to take away their guns? Yes, we are repealing the Second Amendment...the coast is clear and the Redcoats will no longer be invading our homes.
    Bob Costas is THE MAN! He is so right, in that 2 more people would be alive today if NOT for having a gun in the home.
    Only wimps and guys who have short members need a gun.

  27. Someone needs to ask the family of the professor and his fiance who were killed with the crossbow about guns being the reason people are killed. This is about domestic violence.

  28. ~~Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966. He killed his victims with a knife and strangulation.

    ~~John Wayne Gacy - Several of the bodies were found with the ligature used to strangle them still knotted around their necks. In other instances, cloth gags were found lodged deep down the victims' throats, leading the investigators to conclude that 13 of Gacy's victims died not of strangulation, but of asphyxiation.

    ~~Jeffery Dahmer - killed most of his victims by sedating them by putting large ammounts of a benzodiazapine in their drinks,and once they were good and sedated, he would strangle them,then,AND ONLY THEN, he woulod dismember them.

    ~~ Ted Bundy - Bundy's favored method was to first gain control usually by bludgening with a crowbar he kept in his infamous Volkswagon Bug. The murders he committed at the sorority house in Florida he used a piece of wood he had found right outside the house. After being hit over the head the victims were strangled as they were raped by Bundy.

  29. DC has recorded a 19 percent drop in homicides in the first half of 2012, compared to the first half of 2011, according to data collected and analyzed by Homicide Watch DC.

    The homicide data also shows a significant decrease in gun violence and domestic violence, compared to last year. Meanwhile, a greater proportion of homicides have resulted from fatal stabbings.

  30. All you people that are upset over Bob Costas for advocating gun control are idiots. Why? Because he advocated no such thing. All he said was they would be alive if they did not have a gun. You can decide whether you believe him or not but he said absolutely nothing about outlawing guns. Maybe you all should ask yourself why you spew the NRA company line by default. This large extremely fit person did not need to buy a hand gun for protection, he chose to buy multiple guns because he embraced the gun culture in the US and Jason and Bob questioned his choice for doing so, no more, no less. (By the way, he reportedly kissed her and apologized immediately after shooting her so if he did not have a gun in his hand at that moment, there is a good chance Costas was right and they both would be alive today.)

  31. What Jason Whitlock wrote and Bob later respewed saying that the victim and the murderer would still be alive today if he didn't own a gun actually makes perfect sense because, as we know, a gun is the ONLY way someone can kill a person they're angry with.

  32. How absolutely asine you all are to think Costas should be fired for doing what he often does- stating an opinion on a timely subject. Fox News takes tragedies and turns them into devices to spread THEIR own opinions and rhetoric (forgotten about the disgraceful way they covered the story of the missing girl this summer?) Ever heard of the First Amendment? Did your remotes break or your mute buttons fail? Grow up! Everyone in the world doesn't parrot your belief! And how dare some of you say that he would have found a way to kill this poor woman without guns. I don't know a faster and easier method than picking up a gun and pulling the trigger. Man, has the NRA got y'all well trained!

  33. Bleeding Crimson:

    HAve you ever heard of the SECOND AMENDMENT?

    Grow up.

  34. "We can't blame Bob Costas... we need to blame his microphone for the words he used."
    [I] don't blame his microphone. That would be like blaming guns for the actions of a violent individual.
    No, clearly Costas' actions are the result of a chronic, volatile mix of prescription drugs and alcohol and lack of self control.

  35. "We can't blame Bob Costas... we need to blame his microphone for the words he used."
    [I] don't blame his microphone. That would be like blaming guns for the actions of a violent individual.
    No, clearly Costas' actions are the result of a chronic, volatile mix of prescription drugs and alcohol and lack of self control.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. It ought to be noted that Bob Costas is protected by armed security, much as other noted hypocrites Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of Chicago Richard Dailey, and Rosey O'Donnell. They all advocate a level of protection for others they deem inadequate for their own needs.

  38. No, Costas shouldn't be fired. He should have to be asked about his really stupid assertion each and every time possible.

  39. Costas should be fired for being a pompous douche but not for this.

  40. Mr. Costas is certainly entitled to his opinion and voice said opinion. However what Mr. Costas did is no different than what Hank Williams Jr. did. Having an opinion is not the issue but when you are someone in the realm of entertainment be careful when you open your mouth because it could come back to bite you. Just ask Hank Williams Jr. and The Dixie Chicks.

  41. Wiley Coyote said...
    DC has recorded a 19 percent drop in homicides in the first half of 2012, compared to the first half of 2011, according to data collected and analyzed by Homicide Watch DC.

    The homicide data also shows a significant decrease in gun violence and domestic violence, compared to last year. Meanwhile, a greater proportion of homicides have resulted from fatal stabbings.

    Hey Wiley, are you capable of understanding that your post I just posted makes the case for gun control? Get someone to read it for you and explain it if you have to.
