Thursday, August 22, 2013

Eric Holder taking aim at North Carolina?

We got the clearest signal yet today that the federal government is likely to challenge North Carolina's new voter ID law.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced this afternoon that he will sue to block Texas' voter ID law. His statement about the suit had a certain resonance to North Carolinians:

"Today's action marks another step forward in the Justice Department's continuing effort to protect the voting rights of all eligible Americans," he said. "We will not allow the Supreme Court's recent decision to be interpreted as open season for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights. ...

"This represents the Department's latest action to protect voting rights, but it will not be our last." (emphasis added)

Holder's challenge seeks to block the law entirely, alleging that it "was adopted with the purpose, and will have the result, of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color or membership in a language minority group."

Given the criticism of North Carolina's law as one of the most vote-suppressing in the nation, it would be surprising if Holder didn't challenge it as well. Besides requiring photo ID, the legislation cuts early voting days, makes it harder for students to vote and ends provisional balloting, same-day registration and pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds, among other changes.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in Raleigh today, said North Carolina's law punishes minority voters and makes voting more difficult for everyone.

Powell, the keynote speaker at the CEO Forum, added: "What it really says to the minority voters is ... 'We really are sort-of punishing you,'" the News & Observer reported.

-- Taylor Batten


  1. So nice of the CO's editorial board to quote a guy who lied us into war and a guy giving guns to drug lords.

  2. Sad that something I see as common sense approaches to protecting the integrity of the democratic election process can be manipulated into some diabolical scheme to suppress votes from specific groups of people.

  3. Garth fails to note that while Colin Powell has apologized for his role in the elaborate deception that led us into war in Iraq, George Bush and Dick Cheney have not. In fact, Cheney has said he'd do it all again, and sees nothing to apologize for. I'm sure that's great comfort to the families of the 5000 American servicemen killed in their splendid little war.

    Furthermore, Bush awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the guy they all blamed for the "bad intelligence", former CIA Director George Tenant. The only reasonable conclusion one can come to about that sordid day in American history is Tenant's medal was a reward for falling on his sword for Bush, Cheney, Rice, and the rest of the Administration. He gave them cover, and Bush made a mockery of the nation's highest award as thanks.

  4. More racial polarizing by the most divisive administration in history. They're going to challenge the Texas ID law even though a majority of Hispanics support it....especially the ones from Mexico where they have strict voter ID laws that have been credited with cleaning up their elections. And then North Carolina in their cross hairs. Let's look at some statistics:

    Minority voter participation has gone UP in states like Georgia that have instituted voter ID.In 2012 black turnout as a percentage of eligible voters actually exceeded that of whites 66.2% to 64.1%. Black turnout exceeded whites in nearly all states with the strictest voter ID laws...Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, etc. In the states of the former Confederacy blacks outvoted eligible whites 67% to 62%. The biggest gap in favor of minority voting....Mississippi. The biggest gap against minority voting....Massachusetts.

    Why doesn't Holder go after Massachusetts where based on the turnout blacks are apparently being suppressed from voting? Because they are trolling the red states with the biggest minority voting blocks. Obama, Holder and the left realize their appeal to minorities of HOPE has been a dismal 5 year failure. All they have left now to excite and work their base into a frenzy is FEAR.

    Voter ID is the common sense standard in most of the Democratic world. Mexico does not even allow provisional exceptions for individuals lacking the proper documents. They refuse to extend the registration or voting period.The Federal Electoral Institute's Commissioner Francisco Guerrero says "it is a matter that has to do with a culture of respect for the law." He makes no apology for the tough photo ID rules because "in order to strengthen democracy we have to start believing in our own institutions." Isn't it a shame that some Americans, like Minnesotans who saw goofball leftwing comedian Al Franken elected to the US Senate by 200 votes after a suspicious recount only to discover a year later that over 1800 felons had illegally cast ballots can't have the same confidence in their elections or in their democracy?

    It is all part of the Democratic Party's successful electoral strategy of dividing the American electorate along race, age, sex, income and anything else they can think of. If they can't give them HOPE they can always give them FEAR. How sad for America.

  5. I hate to break the news to you clown, Bush isn't President and he he would never have called a clear act of terrorism done by a Muslim terrorist who killed 13 soldiers "workplace violence" nor would have continued to pay his full salary for 4 years later after this cowardice act.. You can keep hiding behind this administration that is 5 years out office and if you continue to do so it speaks volumes about your 100% lack of intellectual integrity..

  6. This is the same Eric Holder who will not say one word about the 3 black punks that killed a white Australian baseball player because they were bored, the same piece of litter that pushed Fast and Furious and the same classy guy that pardoned Marc Rich and FALN terrorists and who worked for a law firm that offered terrorists pro bono work.. No wonder you liberals love him, he is as classy as the clueless Presdident.

  7. Put Obama, Holder, and Foxx in a boat to the Bermuda Triangle and leave them there.

  8. Take Aim?

    We all knew this was coming.

    And they talk about Republicans being obstructionists....

  9. Yes, Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!Sue, Sue, Sue this crazy State

  10. Read what General Powell said. "Show me the fraud." You can't because it doesn't exist.

    Calling it a Voter ID law is a complete sham and no intelligent person is misled by that assertion.

    We can only hope that Eric Holder derails the bogus and criminal NC Voter Suppression Law.

  11. Maybe he will give up on sending his Lieutenants to Mexico to apologize for our Border Security Folks stopping all those illegals who wanted to come to our country and vote for the Democrat.

    Of course we know that is not happening and why would folks who are illegal then do something so illegal and vote.

  12. The voter ID law addresses a problem that does not exist, and shows the legislature is wasting time when it could be solving real problems. As the proportion of conservative shrinks, the law helps to keep the lawmakers' party in power. Let's hope the other party slaps them down.

  13. Based on "Garth Vader" comments on down, you N. Carolinians sure are a bunch of hateful and ignorant folk.

  14. Garth Vader:
    You really have to be a stunningly racist moron to single out Colin Powell as THE guy who "lied us into war."

    Please admit that you gladed voted for Bush/Cheney -- twice. You voted for John "bomb bomb Iran" McCain too, didn't you.

    Just like them, you never met a war you didn't love.

  15. Yes of course we are Sats 13. You have us pegged right. I bet you find people like us all around you and every place you go.

    If only all we humans were as enlightened as you.

  16. The two sides to this debate make obvious the reasoning behind their stands. Conservatives want to uphold and defend the right for legitimate citizens to make their vote count, to protect the integrity of the voting process, to eliminate the opportunity to vote illegally.

    The left through Holders actions want to encourage this gray area where people have been found guilty of voting early and often, where non-citizens and dead people have been found on states voter rolls. When you listen to the excuses you hear words like disenfranchisement and racism, but their motivation lies with their ability to continue to control voting outcomes, to allow non-citizens and the dead to vote for them, and citizens to vote often.

    The Justice Departments purpose is:
    "To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans".

    The current Justice Department has become a far left arm of the ACLU! Maybe Holder should be looking into illegal actions by the IRS instead of trying to be Al Sharpton!

    No conversation about race is possible when accusations about racism replace reasoned arguments.

  17. 2 - 4 - 6 - 8
    Who has time to tweak our state?
    Holder! Holder! Holder!

    Now how about enforcing border control, evicting those here illegally, putting teeth in e-verify, etc., etc.,. . .

  18. Saty13 and Archi,

    I have voted for the Libertarian candidate for president since 1988. I haven't voted for a Bush since GHWB as Reagan's VP in 1984.

    How many charges have Obama and Holder brought against any Bush administration official? Zero. How many charges have Obama and Holder brought against any Wall Street crony (Jon Corzine, Lloyd Blankfein, Ken Lewis, etc.)? Zero.

    Obama/Holder have behaved exactly like Bush/Ashcroft.

  19. So happy the GOP is focused on the important things like trying to solve non-existent voter fraud. Of course, they're too busy with this to focus on things like jobs, education and improving our infrastructure.

  20. It is unbelievable to that any state, city, county, or nation tries to rig the voting so certain parties or people have an advantage over the masses!!

    I hope Holder bring suit and wins to stop the raid on minorities, poor, the elderly, and the first time voters to keep the republicans from trying to rig the election while they talk fraud!!

    The fraud is minds of the republicans and their supporters so they can bring back the days of slavery in the form of denying the rights OF OUR MOST VULNERABLE PEOPLE

  21. Carol, since you see this so clearly, explain how this is rigging the voting?

    And then your use of the word raid to defend the groups which you want to appeal.

    You have used so many key words that are used by those who spam these discussions and many folks would like to know why.

    You and your kind of race/age/sex baiters are finding that too many of those same voters you pretend to protect are realizing you are just trying to keep them corralled.

  22. And Bill, yes just like the previous party in power in NC focused on lotteries and the like instead of our failing schools and many of the problems we are working on today.

    So a lot of blame to go around today is there not?

  23. CharlotteObserver said...

    Carol, since you see this so clearly, explain how this is rigging the voting?

    And then your use of the word raid to defend the groups which you want to appeal.

    You have used so many key words that are used by those who spam these discussions and many folks would like to know why.

    You and your kind of race/age/sex baiters are finding that too many of those same voters you pretend to protect are realizing you are just trying to keep them corralled.


    Would you are your advisors please show where any person was ever elected to any office by the use of fraud!!

    When you have gone to vote in the past did you have to give your name and address? Did the poll worker checked to see if your if your name and address was written in the book and he or she checked it off when you received a ballot??

    Is that somehow confusing the issue or race baiting??

    Have you ever checked out where the polling places are in the poorest places city and checked to see how many machines or booths were there for the voters??

  24. So you can not answer the questions directly Carol?

  25. Blogger CharlotteObserver said...

    So you can not answer the questions directly Carol?

    August 24, 2013 at 2:08 PM

    Apparently you cannot answer my first question in my first post that ask you to show by an dependent source where anyone was elected to office by fraud!!!!

    When you answer that question, then ask your question a straight forward manner and I will answer it item by item!!!

    You already know that the poorest precincts have fewer workers, more people in the precinct, fewer booths, and the polling places are not in a convenient place for the voters.

    You also know that more ballots are thousands of ballots thrown out for people have voted for two people for the same office of the it was unclear who they intended to vote and that is not only in the poor sections of the city!!!

  26. 9000 dead North Carolinians voted in2012 and you don't think this is a good law? I've always doubted the editors sanity, this confirms my suspicions!

  27. To the person who is ashamed to use his name, but calls himself the Charlotte Observer.

    When was the last time you were called POOR WHITE SOUTHERN TRASH??

    When did you Mother that was taken out of school when she was nine to keep house because her Mother died?

    When did you Mother have to try to tell the person at the polls the year Thomas Jefferson was elected president so she could vote when the mayor behind her was asked what amendment gave women the right to vote???

    The south was solid democratic until they passed the civil rights movement which the Declaration of Independence had done that in 1776 but they did not adhere to the constitution, not even yet!!!

    Did you approve of Lester Maddox using the pick ax handle to stop blacks from entering his restaurant??

    Did you approve of Strom Thurmond forming the dixiecrat party to keep blacks for having the same rights as whites???

    Did you hold the coats of those who were lynching civil rights workers during the movement or were you one of the lynchers???

    There is no equality in this country and it is not limited to the south, but here is where most of it is. The poor whites are no better than the blacks and are treated worse for people you can get by mistreating poor whites, but not blacks!!

  28. Here is where they get the names of the dead voting--it is an assumption in most cases because the dead names have not been removed for the registration books or the books at the polls.

    If 25 people are together there is good chance two of them will have the same birth date.

    Many people in this country and even in the same cities have the same name and many more have Sr or Jr after their names which the republicans use as the dead voting!!!

    This paper explains the rest.

  29. Carol thanks we just were not aware you could make up a name and use it on Blogger. Now we know you are a real person and not a spammer that is using the right words that left wing spammers use.

    And you have a lot of ammo that you use but when the shots are counted you have still gotten no where near the target.

    Perhaps you should try to answer a question first before you do the sea of trivialities thing.

    Or step down from from at cross you are on, somebody needs the wood.

  30. And folks keep that anger from the past alive. Look at how Japan still to this day refuses to sell us just one thing.

  31. CharlotteObserver said...

    And folks keep that anger from the past alive. Look at how Japan still to this day refuses to sell us just one thing.

    Maybe you should practice what you preach.
    I ask the first question and you have to be a republican for you refuse to say admit that never has been anyone elected to any public office in the USA by voter fraud.
    But you will deny, evade, change the subject attack the poster,but will not admit the republican change in the law is nothing more than to keep the poorest voters from the polls so the republicans have a better chance of winning when all they do is sell their soul and even sign pledges to do vote on bills as they are told.

    You can call it whatever you please, but is nothing more than bribery either with money or with the threat of supporting a primary opponent against them.

  32. CharlotteObserver said...

    And folks keep that anger from the past alive. Look at how Japan still to this day refuses to sell us just one thing.

    August 24, 2013 at 5:46 PM
    Blogger Carol Justus said...

    CharlotteObserver said...

    And folks keep that anger from the past alive. Look at how Japan still to this day refuses to sell us just one thing.

    Maybe you should practice what you preach.
    I ask the first question and you have to be a republican for you refuse to say admit that never has been anyone elected to any public office in the USA by voter fraud.
    But you will deny, evade, change the subject attack the poster,but will not admit the republican change in the law is nothing more than to keep the poorest voters from the polls so the republicans have a better chance of winning when all they do is sell their soul and even sign pledges to do vote on bills as they are told.

    You can call it whatever you please, but is nothing more than bribery either with money or with the threat of supporting a primary opponent against them.

  33. Carol,Hey I bet you use this all the time in your life to avoid coming out of your little self created world in which all the troubles are the fault of everyone else.

  34. Eric Holder is a blowhard, corrupt AG facing possible impeachment for a multitude of scandals.

    That he continues to use the Dept of Justice to target his president's political opponents is neither surprising nor newsworthy.

  35. Republicans want to create a dictatorship!!
    They talk about small government, but are expanding government by passing laws to RESTRICT THE VOTING RIGHTS of the poor.
    Now we have some supporting that and even applauding it.

    Is this the start of small government they impose more restriction---starting with the poorest, which they call good for nothing poor white trash and worse.

    Next they will restrict any group to organize for worker safety, medical insurance, vacations, and wages.

    Many will applaud that and even support, all under the message of SMALL GOVERNMENT.

    Then they will expand their dictatorship on the middle class to peaceful protests, and the clam down on the public will continue until those like Grover Norquist, the Koch brothers, the Limbaughs, Hannities, O'Reillys, and their likes of the world will have brought us to the very rich and very poor like many nations in the third world where those who are the owners will have no rights.

    Now tell me when is the time to stop it for when they come after you personally there will be no one to help..


    We were poorer than the red dirt we lived on, but my family has done better than any one of us could have ever imagined because we refused to be push down and aside, we have fought for what is right and fair everyone of us and have retired in comfort.

    Do not let the clam down continue, stop it before it is too late and do not be fooled it will came a time when it is too late!!!!

  36. If anyone thinks the things I sighted above cannot or will not happen here are some proofs it already is happening.

    In Wisconsin, I should start with a lawyer with a black robe parading as supreme court justice put his hands around the neck of a fellow supreme justice during an argument and has convinced the other three FAR RIGHT JUSTICES TO RECUSE THEMSELVES TO KEEP FROM HAVING ENOUGH TO HAVE A HEARING TO DISCIPLINE HIM!!

    The first thing the republicans did was to ban public employees unions except the fire and police unions which supported the republicans in the election.

    Then they went for the photo ID to assure that you are an American.

    A woman 93 years old who had voted in every election for years went to get one and she had her birth certificate, and all the other items and then they asked for her marriage license, which she did have and they refused to her a photo ID.

    In Wisconsin the republican legislature and governor passed a law that for more than 19 people to sing in the capital building they had to apply for a receive a permit.
    Some that were only watching them sing without permit were given tickets or 200 dollars.

    Now when will the next right to sing outside of the capital building be passed into law.

    When will the law for any peaceful protest have to apply for and receive a permit to assemble to protest rights that are slowly being taken away---do think it will happen--WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE---THEY SAID HITLER WOULD NOT MASSACRE THE JEWS ALSO.
    Does anyone believe it did not happen???

    They did not believe that other rights before the massacre were taken away did not matter to them, but when they did it was too late---

    When is too late for you???? When they knock down your door???

  37. Yep, Carol is just a spammer for the left. They spend millions to these people to keep stuff like this going on and on.

  38. When a republican does not have an answer they accuse you of all kinds of things they think that will demean you and make them a hero.

    Now when have you seen one that will live by the golden rule--DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU??

    To a republican small government is passing all kinds of laws to benefit the rich and the very well off.

    But any other law is expanding government!!

  39. Hey Carol is right, we just need to keep fluffing and posing. That is how the democrats have done it for the last several years.

    Now is the time to show them we are tired of it.

    So I now want to pontificate on the sad fight of the wingless birds of America. Not once have I heard any democrat say they wish to help them and all the focus on is on a failed trillion dollar stimulus. Can you imagine how many wings we could have provided with this money.

  40. The republican who is ashamed to show his name and will not even answer one question--name one person elected to any office by fraud avoids the subject!

    Republicans love the '50s, while Democrats prefer the '90s

    The question was, "Which decade of the 20th century would you most like to go back to?"

    Turns out that Republicans "preferred the morally uncomplicated 1950s," while Democrats "tended to opt for Bill Clinton's 1990s." (Barely anyone wanted to visit the 1930s, presumably because Hoovervilles don't make for great vacation destinations.)

    So why do Democrats want to return to the '90s, while Republicans want to make like Marty McFly?

    If IFC's Portlandia is to be believed, the 1990s were a hipster paradise, currently preserved in the cultural amber that is Portland:

    As you see from this article the republican want to return to time PRIOR TO THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

    They are passing laws to go back to the 50's when blacks had separate school, toilets, drinking fountains, restaurants, and had to ride in back of the bus.

    They will try to go back to days of slavery and share croppers.

    They are passing laws to get as close to those days as possible, but if you notice they do not want to talk about the 1930's WHEN HOOVER--VILLE WAS THE FORERUNNER OF BUSH-VILLE who gave the treasury to the rich, invaded Iraq for the words of the administration--BETTER TARGETS.

    Said it would take about 3 months and cost some 50 billion dollars---they lost 8.9 billion in 100 billions and have not found them yet!!

    The war cost 4500 American lives, 40,000 wounded which will cost a trillion dollars for medical care on top of the 1.5 trillion it cost to conclude along with some 1 million Iraqis dead of missing or fled the country and for what---they will be a dictatorship, run by tribes, or a religious leader within five years as they have been for the last 6000 years!!!

    The military and their families were made to bear all the burdens and make all the sacrifices for this fiasco while all the rest of us wallowed in tax cuts and good life while building up the highest debt in history and ruining the financial system that Bush and the republicans bailed out with 700 billion or our tax dollars!!!

  41. Yes Carol Justice is a real person indeed folks. Why he or she has a lot of time to spam these sites, so they must be a real person and not trying to serve up a sea of trivialities as we have seen get so many folks elected lately.

  42. And wingless birds are still not mentioned once by this Carol person.

    That just shows how they are just wanting to imprison us and take us back to the days when only flying birds filled the sky.

    We can stand against these people and make sure wingless birds fill the sky and can drop what they wish on whom they wish.

    I know that unlike those who embrace Hitler like dogma our cause is just and will succeed.
