Monday, September 27, 2010

Democrats back out of tonight's debate

The three Democrats running for Mecklenburg County commissioner at-large today backed out of a debate planned for tonight.
Chairwoman Jennifer Roberts and commissioners Dan Murrey and Harold Cogdell, who had said they would participate in the debate on the talk show Speak Out Charlotte, issued a statement saying they would not.
"Given ... the show’s history of promoting single perspective viewpoints, we lack the confidence that this debate will provide the public with any meaningful opportunity upon which to compare and contrast policy differences between candidates," they said.
They also said they had been told that the show would be shared with News 14 and other outlets, but that the News 14 news director knew nothing about that.
Cheryl Jones, the show's producer, said she stood by her offer to make the debate video available to any outlet that wants it. She said the debate, at 7 p.m. tonight at Access 21 studios, would go on without the Democrats, featuring Republicans Jim Pendergraph, Dan Ramirez and Corey Thompson, and Libertarian Jack Stratton.
The Democrats don't look good on this one. Pulling out the day of a debate is bad form. They knew who was hosting it and that Republican former commissioner Jim Puckett was moderating when they agreed to participate. They should keep their word, or not give it in the first place.
-- Posted by The Observer's editorial board


ThaQueenCity said...

I would like to THANK the Editors of Charlotte Observer for this article!

I know for a fact the Republican Candidates would go anywhere, including a DEM format program i.e. LWV to debate, unlike the DEMS!

Thanks for saying as much CO!
Your Rock
(Bet CO never thought your would hear me say either!)

Ghoul said...

Of course they pulled out, they didn't want to answer any questions about the property revaluation until after the election.

ThaQueenCity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JAT said...

And when did Jim Puckett become Attila the Hun? Plus -- doesn't this mean that the GOP candidates should boycott -- on principle -- any left-of-center forums?

What a barren public policy landscape we have.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this information. Mecklenburg County deserves better than this.

Christian said...

This does indeed look bad on the Democrat incumbents. Very bad form indeed.
The full press release can be seen HERE.
I find it funny how they claim that they have agreed to participate in the League of Women Voters debate, but the League is not sponsoring a debate. They are simply doing one-on-one interviews.

What a tragedy for open government.

ThaQueenCity said...

TO: The Observer's Editorial Board

I know I give CO a lot of flack for being so liberal, but only because we differ in opinions.

But I also always give credit where it is due. I truly want to say Thank You. The 3 At-Large Democratic Candidates did call at 6:10pm to say they would attend and they did.

The debate was very professional and all candidates, except one, stayed on tract and time.

It would not have happened without your encouragement, so again, thank you.
