Faced with a directive from the General Assembly to redirect $15 million from university research and policy centers across the state, the UNC Board of Governors has spent months studying all 240 such centers systemwide. On Wednesday, the board's working group on the issue recommended closing UNC Chapel Hill's Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity. The center's director, Gene Nichol, has been an outspoken critic of N.C. Republican leaders' policies concerning the poor.
Gene Nichol |
He responded to their action with this statement:
Poverty is North Carolina’s greatest challenge. In one of the most
economically vibrant states of the richest nation on earth, 18 percent of us
live in wrenching poverty. Twenty-five percent of our kids. Forty percent of our
children of color. We have one of the country’s fastest rising poverty rates.
A decade ago, North Carolina had the 26th highest rate among the states. Now
we’re ninth, speeding past the competition. Greensboro is America’s
second-hungriest city. Asheville is ninth. Charlotte has the nation’s worst
economic mobility. Over the last decade, North Carolina experienced the
country’s steepest rise in concentrated poverty. Poverty, amidst plenty, stains
the life of this commonwealth. Even if our leaders never discuss it.
And, astonishing as they are, these bloodless statistics don’t fully reveal
the crush of economic hardship. That resides more brutally in the terror and
despondency of the 150 or more homeless Tar Heels living in the woods and under
the bridges of Hickory; or in the 1,100 wounded souls waiting in line, most all
night long, outside the Fayetteville civic center, desperate for free dental
care; or in the quivering voice of the Winston-Salem father who describes
deciding which of his children will eat today and which, only, tomorrow; or in
the daughter from Wilson fretting for her 62-year-old father with heart disease
who can’t see a doctor unless he scrapes together the $400 he owes and has no
prospects for.
Some believe such urgencies are beyond the focus of a great public
university. Bill Friday wasn’t among them. An active and engaged Poverty Center
board member, from its founding until the last days of his life, President
Friday felt it crucial “to turn UNC’s mighty engine loose on the lacerating
issue of poverty.” He constantly challenged our students: “A million poor North
Carolinians pay taxes to subsidize your education. What are you going to do to
pay them back?”
I’ve been blessed with a long and varied academic career. But none of my
efforts has approached the extraordinary honor of working, side by side, with
North Carolina low-income communities and the dedicated advocates and providers
who serve them. Together, we have sought to focus a meaningful light on the
challenges of poverty and to push back against policies that foster economic
injustice. No doubt those messages are uncongenial to the governor and General
Assembly. But poverty is the enemy, not the Poverty Center.
I have been repeatedly informed, even officially, that my opinion pieces have
“caused great ire and dismay” among state officials and that, unless I stopped
publishing in The News & Observer, “external forces might combine in the
months ahead” to force my dismissal. Today those threats are brought to
fruition. The Board of Governors’ tedious, expensive and supremely dishonest
review process yields the result it sought all along – closing the Poverty
Center. This charade, and the censorship it triggers, demeans the board, the
university, academic freedom and the Constitution. It’s also mildly ironic that
the university now abolishes the center for the same work that led it to give me
the Thomas Jefferson Award a year ago.
The Poverty Center runs on an annual budget of about $120,000. None comes
from the state. Grant funding has been secured through 2016. These private
dollars will now be returned. UNC will have fewer resources, not more. Two
terrific young lawyers will lose their jobs. Student education, employment and
publication opportunities will be constricted. Most importantly, North
Carolina’s understanding of the challenges of poverty will be weakened. These
are significant costs to pay for politicians’ thin skin.
Personally, I’m honored to be singled out for retribution by these agents of
wealth, privilege and exclusion. I remain a tenured law professor. When the
Poverty Center is abolished, I’ll have more time to write, to speak, and to
protest North Carolina’s burgeoning war on poor people. I’ll use it.
Fifty years ago, Chancellor William Aycock testified against the Speaker Ban
Law, saying if UNC bowed to such external pressures, as it does today, it would
forfeit its claim to be a university. He noted: “Our legislators do not look
with favor on persons, especially teachers, who express views different than
their own.” But no public official can be “afforded such immunity.” Leaders
“freely extol the supposed benefits of their programs, but object to their
harmful effects being called to the attention of the citizenry. ... The right to
think as one wills and to speak as one thinks are requisite to a free society.
They are indispensable to education.”
--Eric Frazier