Friday, February 17, 2012

Sarah Palin can't help herself (and neither can we)

Like many of us, Sarah Palin loves to be loved. She just prefers it on a larger scale.

After months of maybes, followed by a merciful no on running for president, Palin has come up with a new way to stay in the conversation. In an interview on the Fox Business Network this week, she said she would be happy to "help" in the case of a brokered Republican convention.

A brokered convention occurs when no Republican candidate has more than 50 percent of delegates at the end of the primaries. Republican delegates then would be given the opportunity to vote for any person, even if he or she had not previously been a candidate. Should that happen, says Palin: "All bets are off as to who it would be, willing to offer themselves up in their name in service to their country. I would do whatever I could to help."

Here's the problem for Palin: The likelihood of a brokered convention is about the same of Sarah Palin ending up the beneficiary of one. (Hint: Not very.) Whispers about brokered conventions pop up then go away almost every four years, whenever there's a tight race or unappealing front-runner. It's a particular fantasy of media folks, because it would be the Best. Political. Story. Ever. But there hasn't been a brokered convention in more than 50 years, and that was in the time when party bosses, not primaries, held sway over who got the nomination to run for president.

But if the media can have their brokered convention yearnings, so can Palin. What's striking, however, is how the response has been little more than a collective chuckle, including this:

Palin's time has passed for Republicans. She is as polarizing as Newt Gingrich, without the intellectual heft. Not that she'll let lack of interest stop her. And neither will we.

Peter St. Onge


Europeanexpat said...

We have CO's "intellectual heft" on display every day, LOL.
She is still more intellectual than Joe Biden

Archiguy said...

C'mon, nobody really hates Sarah Palin, especially newspaper men. She's an intellectual lightweight who typifies the conservative obsession with celebrity. Had she not been so strikingly good looking, she never would have made it out of Wasilla.

Honestly, she's not worth the emotional investment it would take to hate her. Intelligent people who pay attention - a group that sadly omits many Republicans - find her amusing and inconsequential.

But she does know how to make money by separating it from the celebrity worshipers who flock to her highly paid appearances and speaking engagements. Maybe that's why she's so popular with Republicans.

Adolf said...

She really "helped" John McCain last time!

Archiguy said...
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Anonymous said...

This would be more appropriate in the comics section.

Anonymous said...

She's a clown.

She and the kind of people she drew out of the woodwork for Republicsns (like Joe The Plumber) is why I voted for Obama last time.

This time I'm looking to replace Obama if the Republicans pick someone who isn't such a clown.

I'd probably vote for Romney or Ron Paul, but no one else.

So we'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Glenn "G-Money" Rice's girl!

Anonymous said...

LOL, the same haters of Palin are the ones who have turned her into a star and showered her with great wealth.

Archiguy said...

12:10 - So tell us, how do you manage to spoof another poster's username? Doubt you know my password, so how do you go about fooling the Observer's software? Don't worry; I won't ask you why you did it. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that one.

No doubt this sort of thing is frowned upon. Maybe the O-pinion moderator can chime in...?

Anonymous said...

i bet she has glen rice's vote

Anonymous said...

It would be refreshing to have a newspaper "journalist" spout ANYTHING other than the mainstream media's party line. How about it "journalists"? Dare you.

Anonymous said...

This talk about Palin from her detractors is amusing. All that is supposedly wrong with her is all she needs to grab her detractors by the nose and make them scream in fits.

Anonymous said...

an editorial on Sarah Palin? Really, CO and Peter whatshisname? With all the crap being dumped on the American people by the Obama administration and this is the best you can do?

CO, you've turned into nothing more than a useless blog!

Anonymous said...

Archiguy - what is the 'conservative obsession with celebrity'? The most vocal, in-your-face celebrities are closer to the opposite than they are conservative, by a long shot. Who knows why those people think their opinion carry such weight.

Your dislike for Palin is clear in your attempt to appear nonchalant. Petty insults only serve to make yourself look petty.

Anonymous said...

So, instead of the CO offering an opinion on say how to balance the budget (whether I agreed or disagreed with it), they offer the equivalent of gossip and entertainment news. This is why I dropped my subscription. I just check online from time to time.

The Observer Editorial Board said...

Anon, 2:31: We encourage you to drop in more often! We discussed both the budget and how to confront our country's debt in editorials and online this week.



Anonymous said...

I say Go, Sarah, Go make that money! If Kim Kardashian can do it, so can you! At least Sarah stirs up conversation having a smidgen of intelligence.

Anonymous said...

I so hope that Sarah Palin will enter the race on the Republican ticket. It will be a sure thing .....4 more years of Obama!!!!

ringer740 said...

What is wrong with vetting?
As we have seen, the longer we can vet, the more we learn about our candidates. Imagine what we could have learned about our current President if we could have.

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